Sexy Target Marketing Promotes Male Cancer Awareness

Source: HubSpot -101 Awesome Marketing Quotes.

A British health organization has taken a super-sexy approach to help solve the deadly serious issue of testicular cancer.

Let’s explore why this is such a great marketing lesson and reminder for all of us.

UK-based Male Cancer Awareness Campaign (MCAC) believes that “too many men die of prostate, bowel and testicular cancer because they do not know how to detect the symptoms in the early stages, when treatment would be more effective.”

The problem, they say, is that “this ignorance is made worse by the prevailing ‘culture of embarrassment’, that discourages men from discussing and resolving problems related to intimate parts of their body.”  One of their aims is that “no young men between the ages of 16-35 die of testicular cancer in the UK.”

So, MCAC and agency JWT London came up with a brilliant and bold marketing communications idea.  It’s a terrific example of really understanding your communication target, and what it takes to reach that target.  See for yourself (note – adult viewing).

If prompted for a YouTube log-in, click here to watch the video.

There may be those who disagree with MCAC’s approach because they think it’s too sexual and/or because they think it exploits women.  I don’t.  As of today, the video has been viewed 1.7 million times since it’s September 14th launch.  For sure, some of the viewership is driven by word-of-mouth stimulated gawking to see super model Rhian Sugden in provocative display.  Even so, MCAC is still reaching its target.  Finally, consider this:  if MCAC had instead produced a doctor handout pamphlet talking about testicular cancer along with a diagram showing how to do a self-exam, how many men would pay attention to that?

Here’s MCAC’s reaction after the video hit one million views:

“This is an epic success for Male Cancer Awareness Campaign, the UK’s boldest and most daring charity, as it shows that through innovation we can reach the right target audience in order to spread the message that testicular cancer is treatable if caught early!”

The producers of this video have a deep understanding of the target and the challenges to reach that target in a compelling and meaningful way (i.e., get more men to do self exams).  The video is great marketing because it takes that target understanding and solves the problem in a powerfully, effective way.

Headline For Marketers

Regardless of what you’re selling, get in the head of your customer and develop a deep understanding.  Figure out how he/she learns and wants to be informed.  That’s the path to relevant, meaningful engagement and a higher marketing call-to-action success rate.

Harvey Chimoff is a hands-on marketing leader and business-wide collaborator who builds marketing capabilities in B2B/B2C organizations that drive customer success.

Practical Marketing Discipline

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